Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Late-elementary student reflections...

(From a previous session):  On our last class during relaxation, I read them a cloud visualization where we drifted up into the sky on a soft, fluffy white cloud, and they were able to let the cloud take them wherever they wanted it to take them.  At the end of the class I asked them to answer three questions (if they wanted to):  1) where they went on their cloud, 2) what they liked best about yoga, and 3) what it meant to practice peace (a principle of yoga that we talk about often, also called 'ahimsa').  These were their responses:

1) I went to Heaven.  My dog and great-grandparents were there.  2)  I like the magic mist (lavender oil and water that I spray over them during relaxation to help them relax a little more) and the visualizations.  They help me to feel calm and relaxed.  3) Always have a friendly smile, use kind words and always be nice.

1) I went to Heaven.  My grandparents were there.  2) Relaxation time.  3)  When there's someone new at school, don't avoid them; talk to them, be kind, share with them.

1) I was with my family.  2)  I like that yoga is peaceful, quiet, not loud; I can concentrate on one thing.  3) Be yourself, don't change because someone else wants you to; be honest.
I am blessed!

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